Which Street Food Can I Sell? - Get Started Now

Get Started with the Right Street Food.

Let's be honest, if you're thinking about starting a street food business then you probably already have a specialty of your own that you're a true demon with in the kitchen, but perhaps not. Maybe you have all manner of culinary skills and can try your hand at anything? So, which street food can you sell? Well, pretty much anything. This isn’t an exhaustive list, but if you’re seriously thinking about launching a modern mobile catering business, you could consider:

Korean – Korean-inspired food is another big trend in the street food world right now. Think pickled kimchi, bulgogi and delicious bibimbap rice bowls. They’re all a blossoming street food option just now.

Indian – A British favourite for decades, put your own spin on a classic curry and the customers will come flocking to that divine smell. A great idea for existing curry-house owners too. You have your restaurant or your take-away, why not branch out and start selling at street food festivals and events?

Vegan Food – A seriously on-trend street food style is to offer vegetarian and plant-based vegan cuisine. You could go for purely vegan burgers with brightly coloured buns, or food from around the world with the vegan twist.

Toasties – Low cost, simple to create, and a total blank canvas for your flavour creativity to run wild on. Toasted sandwiches offer tremendous potential for you to create some truly amazing signature dishes.

Loaded Fries - Another very simple, but incredibly popular offering is loaded fries. We LOVE loaded fries. They can be made and delivered to your customers’ bellies very quickly, and the cost of stock will be relatively small compared to others.

Desserts - There is ALWAYS room for dessert when you’re bringing homemade expert bakes, pies and cheesecake to an event. Some of the fastest growing social media catering accounts belong to those who make incredible dessert options. Add plenty of flavour, colour and of course, chocolate, to the party, and you’ll make a killing.

This is just a short list of our favourite and potentially lowest-cost for a start-up, but there’s also Pizzas, Chinese, Greek, German Bratwurst, Jamaican, Turkish, Fish, Pies and Pasties, Burritos, Thai food, cheese... the list goes on.

What should your street food menu have on it?

We recommend having a list of 4 or 5 different options for your customers to choose from at any one event you attend. This will help you to keep your food wastage to a minimum, and give you an opportunity to master your dishes. Some dishes, like Pizzas for example, will be the exception to this recommendation, as you’ll have a bunch of different ingredients that can be interchanged easily.

If you have the clean means to cook stuff on separate surfaces then it’s always recommended to keep a vegan or vegetarian option available too. Around 10% of the UK is now vegetarian or vegan, and with greater choice of plat-based options that ever before, you would do well to avoid missing out on the opportunity that those people represent.

Gala Tent is the UK’s leading manufacturer and retailer of custom printed pop-up gazebos, having sold hundreds of thousands of branded structures to our customers over the years. We have helped new businesses to take their delicious food to the masses, as well as working alongside existing successful street food businesses to improve on their brand visuals.

Whatever type of food you choose to put on your menus, we have the means to make the stand you serve it from as unique as your great meals. You can find some great examples of branded tent ideas here.

If you’re not sure what you need then why not give our team a call on 01709 242454 and have a chat about your business needed now.


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