An Exclusive Deal for Scout Groups at Gala Tent

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Gala Tent's range of high quality heavy duty marquees and gazebos are ideal for use by Scout groups, and for a number of purposes. The Scouts have a long history of using scout tents, ever since Lord Robert Baden Powell formed the Scout movement back in 1908, tents have been part of the camping kit. Each year the Scouts provide activities and camping opportunities to millions of children around the world, all of which need shelter from the elements.

Now, when you think Scout and Tent together, you’ll probably be thinking of the camping tents, torches and spooky noises from the forest, but Gala Tent supplies a different kind of tent to the Scouting Association, and one which has become just as important in providing shelter to millions of young men and women up and down the country.

Gala Tent Marquees are relied upon by the Scouts to provide all manner of sheltered activities, from dining areas and canteens, to dormitories, Jamboree Stage Tents, and also games and activity mess rooms. The Chief Scout, Bear Grylls himself, has also used a Gala Tent at the Kent International Jamboree, addressing thousands of Scouts from beneath a Gala Tent Marquee.

Gala Tent's success with scout groups relies heavily on the quality of the tent we manufacture; the Scouts Association only buys quality as the tents have to withstand heavy use throughout the 4 seasons. This is why Gala Tent is the preferred supplier to scout groups around the world.

Gala Tent are a regular fixture at the annual Scouts Reunion at Gilwell Park, and this year will hopefully be our sixth year serving the Scouts.

10% off for all scout groups

Gala Tent are proud to be recommended by The Scouts Association as a preferred supplier to their Scout leaders. For us, our connection with the Scouts symbolises the importance of encouraging young people to participate in camping and outdoor activities. Experiences like pitching a tent, camping out and being with friends creates memories that last a lifetime, and those events are passed on from generation to generation.

For this wonderful friendship between our two organisations, we offer a fantastic 10% discount to any Scout Leader or Group looking to invest in a Gala Tent Marquee, Gazebo, or indeed any other product at Gala Tent. If you’d like to take advantage of this offer then please give the team a call on 01709 242454 and quote SCOUT10 to receive your discount.


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